Since 1876

Prayers aren't empty words hurled at the sky. They're conversations. In fact, they're the most important conversations of our lives. No matter what you are going through God wants to walk through it with you. He wants to give you hope, joy, and peace. But we also have to ask for it. We have to reach out to Him. It will change your life when you do. Throughout this series find out just how much it matters when you Pray.
720 Jackson Ave. NOLA 70130.

A Church in Transition
Jackson Avenue Church is a church on the move. We are working toward the next chapter in the life of our church. As we listen to God for His direction and guidance we invite you to join us for the ride that He is leading us on. As we learn more and more about what is effective in reaching our culture and the Irish Channel/Garden District area we are making changes and adjustments to how we reach out and love those communities. Our hope is that in 2 years you will see a vibrant body of people who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord who are interwoven with the community around us. We desire to see Jesus change our hearts, homes, and neighborhoods so that we can all experience the peace that only He provides. Come join us and let's walk this journey together!